18+ intellectual English Jokes

Q: What do you say when you are comforting a grammar nazi? 
A: There, Their, They're. 

Q: What's another name for Santa's elves? 
A: Subordinate Clauses. 

Q: How does an English teacher punish a valley girl? 
A: Assign a 10-15 page research paper on the bastardization of the word "like". 

Q: What is Grammar? 
A: The difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you’re shit. 

Q: How do you spell mousetrap? 
A: C-A-T. 

Q: What is Black and white and read (red) all over? 
A: A newspaper 

Q: "What letter of the alphabet has got lots of water?" 
A: "The C" 

Q: "What letter of the alphabet is always waiting in order?" 
A: "The Q. (queue) 

Q: What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? 
A: A teapot. 

Q: Which letters do Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday have in common? 
A: None! None of them have "c", "o","m" or "n" in them. 

Q: What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? 
A: Short 

Q: What's the longest word in the dictionary? 
A: Rubber-band -- because it streches. 

Q: When does a dialect become a language? 
A: When its speakers get an army and a navy. 

Q: How do you get ten English teachers to agree on the best teaching method? 
A: Shoot nine of them. 

Q: What's a teacher's favorite nation? 
A: Expla-nation. 

Q: Name a bus you can never enter? 
A: A syllabus 

Q: Is there a word in the English language that uses all the vowels including "y" ? 
A: Unquestionablely! 

Q: What is the longest word in the English language? 
A: Smiles. (There is a mile between the first letter and the last letter.) 

Those were 18. Now some bonus :

Teacher: What is irony? 
Student: "Irony is when something has the chemical symbol Fe." 

Don't you know the Queen's English? 
Why, yes, I'd heard she was. 

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