Miss sunshine

Damn this alarm!” He reaches out for his mobile and puts off the alarm.
“Ok! Yet another morning, yet another day. But I don’t want to go to college!” He does not want to wake up and spoil the perfect cool morning so wraps himself tightly with the quilt even more, pretending to be sound asleep. “Who are you to wave your finger…..” his favourite ring tone envies his warm bed as it irritates him every morning, so does it today. “Not again”, annoyance clearly in his face he unwillingly receives the call not even bothering to open his eyes, “Hello!”
“Hi!” It is his classmate, Rashik. “Haven’t you woken up, you lazy bum? Well, anyway, do not forget to bring your zoology practical file and remember the report is due today. I have made some corrections and we need to fix those in our final document.”
“Alright! Alright! But do you guys have to disturb me every morning?” He answers back drowsily. “I am going back to sleep now and will not attend the first lecture. Make sure you attend it and I will copy your note later. We will work on that report during lunch. Ok bye!” Not even bothering to wait for the reply he disconnects, switches it off and resumes what he was doing, he goes back to sleep.
As of now, he cannot seem to get back to sleep. All that alarm, unwanted call and cool breeze from the window must have done its work. His window, which he remembers to close only during the morning everyday when the cold air from it wakes him up.
“Damn that window! “ He murmurs, too lazy to get up and close it. He lies on his bed, staring at the ceiling or rather staring nowhere.
It is already Monday, a month and half since she proposed to Diwash. She, his childhood friend was the one he loved so dearly ever since he knew about love, at least he thought he knew. He had even dared to share his feelings to her after their high school. Then, she had just smiled and told him to be her friend, just friend. She treasured his friendship and did not want any other complexities. Things had been normal after that; they remained friends not wanting to spoil the perfect relation of friendship. Weeks and months passed and they joined their under graduate, as usual in the same college.

Today, she is in love with his friend. Diwash, his other best friend, the only one with whom he had shared the strong feelings he had for her. Diwash was the only friend he trusted enough to share all his secrets and now, he does not know what to call this. They are in a relationship now, a serious one. He remembers those good old times with her, how they used to stroll down the park for hours, fight over nothing and then say “Sorry”, stupid jokes and laughing together, moments of sharing their life. They had been each other’s strength. All that was past now, she had chosen someone else. Tears rolled down his cheeks inadvertently.
His alarm rings again, the second time for the morning. He hits the stop button, wipes away his tears and goes to bathroom. Half an hour later, he is on his way to college, a place where he sees them together holding hands and chatting in class. It has been his usual routine for a month. He sits on the front row now, something he he has not done since he was in class six. They sit on the third row, she has taken his place now.
20 February 2010, 4:00 PM
It is very crowded at Ashan but something catches his attention, a voice, the voice he so clearly recognises yet it had already been more than four year since he heard it last. “Hey! Anything wrong?” she asks him. Janis, his wife whom he met three years ago during one of his field projects asked him concerned as she observes the change of emotions within his face. “Ah! Nothing, just feeling dizzy in this crowd. Let’s go eat something, I’m hungry”. He hurries her towards the opposite direction.
It was the first time he had seen her since their convocation day. He had chosen to stay away from her ever since college and seeing her today brought mixed feelings.
They enter a nearby restaurant and order their usual. He thinks of sharing the story with her but decides not to. He does not want to go back to his past and spoil his present, Janis and his future for sure. She was the burning candle of hope in his stormy life. 
“You must be tired” he asks her later that evening.” Why don’t you rest today and let me cook the dinner.” “Alright dear! I was thinking of a warm bath anyway. I’ll be back just in time for the dinner.” She gives him a peck on his cheek and he watches her as she hums her way towards the bathroom.
“Is everything alright dear? Something seems to be bothering you. Is it the work again? Hey, tell me!” She insists later that night, as they get ready for bed after the regular TV session together. “Nothing honey! It is just I had a long day today. You go to sleep and I would be as fresh as dew by the morning. No need to worry.” He assures her.
“Alright! I hope everything is fine. Goodnight!” She puts off the light and crawls next to him. He lies beside her for a while and watches her sleep in the moonlight. He just loves to watch her sleep. He smiles thinking of their time together, all those years spent together. He gently kisses her forehead and whispers “I love you Janis. You are the most wonderful asset of my life and I’ll never leave you.”
- Bibishan Rai

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